Shot with: Misc. vintage lenses (Zeiss, Soligor, Helios), Canon kit lenses
However, for Dreamers, this was actually an advantage - or rather, not a disadvantage, as the forced closeness of the shots made for a more intimate and unnerving experience, where the viewer is trapped in close proximity with the characters. This also meant that only a small amount of the background was visible in each shot, giving the production designers an opportunity to play with continuity and replace, overturn or even remove artwork and props entirely between shots, adding to the sense of something being ‘off’ within the dream.

The four jurors discuss the case. Lens: Canon 18-135mm 3.5-5.6

The Professor (Aled Bryn Pennock) listens to The Shop Worker (Rebecca Donovan Morgan) speak. Lens: 1976 Soligor 28mm 2.8

The Shop Worker (Rebecca Donovan Morgan) speaks to The Professor (Aled Bryn Pennock). Lens: 1976 Soligor 28mm 2.8

The Doctor (Stuart McNeill) speaks condescendingly to The Professor (Aled Bryn Pennock). Note the sharp shadows on his face, cast by the bright overhead lighting not being reflected from below. Lens: 1976 Soligor 28mm 2.8

The Shop Worker (Rebecca Donovan Morgan) looks down to The Carpet Salesman. Lens: 1975 Soligor 35mm 2.8

The Carpet Salesman (Derek Palmer) argues with The Shop Worker. Lens: 1975 Soligor 35mm 2.8

The Professor (Aled Bryn Pennock)'s monologue about his dream-within-a-dream. Lens: 1975 Soligor 35mm 2.8

The Shop Worker (Rebecca Donovan Morgan) tries to persuade The Professor to put the gun down in one of the final scenes. Lens: 1976 Soligor 28mm 2.8

The Doctor (Stuart McNeill) peers out into the rain from his window in the film's final scene. Lens: 1975 Soligor 35mm 2.8